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Kamis, 08 September 2016

Material Discussed In Class With Miss Dini

Materials Discussed In Class A With Miss Dini.

Hello Readers, Now I want to tell you my material discussed on September 7, 2016

Sorry I late post...

I will start tell you...

Because this is the first day we entered in Miss Dini class in the course of the English language, so we start with an introduction first.
Other than that, Miss Dini also told some of the rules in the his classroom.
She also told how judgment to give us the final value.
She give us the final value with consider our attendances, assignments, mid term test and final test.
To Rules ini class she told we not can use handphone and laptop in his classromm without his command.
And There are many more rules and how assessment that we should know to smooth our college .
Thanks Miss Dini, because teach me.

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